Incremental adoption

Graphene-JS is designed to be adopted incrementally, that means that you will be able to use Graphene types inside of your already existing schema and viceversa.

Graphene-JS types in GraphQL

Using Graphene types with your existing GraphQL types is very easy. The module have a utility function getGraphQLType that you can use to retrieve the native GraphQL type behind a Graphene type.

For example:

import { GraphQLSchema, GraphQLObjectType } from "graphql";
import { ObjectType, Field, getGraphQLType } from "graphene-js";

// Your graphene definition
class User {
  @Field(String) name

// Your normal GraphLQL types
var query = new GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'Query',
  fields: {
    viewer: {
      // Note getGraphQLType(User) will return a GraphQLObjectType
      // that can be safely used in GraphQL types
      type: getGraphQLType(User),

GraphQL types in Graphene

Graphene can operate with native GraphQL types seamlessly, with no extra effort for the developer. You can use GraphQL native types directly in Graphene

For example:

import { ObjectType, Field } from "graphene-js";

var User = GraphQLObjectType({
  name: 'User',
  fields: {
    name: {
      type: GraphQLString,

class Query {
  // User is a native GraphQL type
  @Field(User) user;