Getting started

For an introduction to GraphQL and an overview of its concepts, please refer to the official introduction.

Let’s build a basic GraphQL schema from scratch.


  • Node.js
  • Graphene-JS

Project setup

npm install graphene-js
# or
yarn add graphene-js

Creating a basic Schema

A GraphQL schema describes your data model, and provides a GraphQL server with an associated set of resolve methods that know how to fetch data.

We are going to create a very simple schema, with a Query with only one field: hello and an input name. And when we query it, it should return "Hello {name}".

import { ObjectType, Field, Schema } from "graphene-js";

class Query {
    @Field(String, {args: {name: String}})
    hello({name}) {
        return `Hello ${name || "stranger"}`;

schema = new Schema({query: Query})


Then we can start querying our schema:

var result = await schema.execute('{ hello }')
console.log( # "Hello stranger"

Congrats! You got your first graphene schema working!